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(575) 613-9557

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is your office located?

My office is located on Blueberry Hill, near Petree Nursery in Taos, New Mexico. I will give you full directions when we schedule your first appointment.

I am also available for anyone in the U.S. by phone or Skype.

Who gets therapy and what is it?

Therapy is a process and relationship that empowers you to accomplish emotional, relationship, or career goals. A good counselor will help you to understand your current struggles, identify patterns that keep you stuck, and teach you new techniques to help you reach your goals.

Most people who enter therapy are just like you – “normal,” functioning individuals who have hit a roadblock and need help getting past it. Some of our clients utilize counseling to overcome depression or anxiety, some use it to learn new communications techniques and re-strengthen their relationships, some use therapy to strengthen new belief systems, some choose counseling to help them make a change in their career.

How can therapy help me?

Therapy addresses the life challenges that everyone faces at times. It provides a safe and supportive, non-judgmental space in which to initiate change in your life. Some of the benefits of therapy my clients have mentioned include:

  • Increased feelings of well-being
  • Improved relationships
  • Higher self-esteem
  • Enhanced physical health
  • Greater clarity about their purpose and direction in life

How long will therapy take?

Each person’s therapy is inherently unique and personal; it moves at its own pace. Therapy ends when you feel that you have completed the work you came to therapy to do. This decision is always in your hands. Often, we arrive at that question at about the same time. It is then a decision that we explore together with the understanding that you can come back at any time.

What is your style of counseling?

At first, I listen to a detailed account of your life story to glimpse the repeating patterns, the unwieldy belief systems, and the self-esteem issues. I then begin to ask questions, and together we follow a distinct line of inquiry that flows from each session to a further inquiry you will continue at home. The questions are designed to help my clients deepen their relationship with themselves and their Spirit.

My use of hypnotherapy greatly facilitates this process because deep relaxation allows the unconscious mind to reveal far more than the conscious mind (see page on hypnosis). We augment a typical 40-minute hypnosis session with discussions about the possible meaning of the session symbology.

Do you offer an initial consultation?

Yes, I offer a free one-hour initial consultation.

Do you work with teens or children?

I love working with teens, preteens, and young people. I can advise on child development issues, but prefer to refer toddlers and children to therapists who specialize in child therapies.

Do you take insurance?

No, I do not take insurance.

How do I make an appointment?

Just call the number at the top of the page or enter your information on my contact page; I will call you, usually within 24 hours.

How long are sessions?

Sessions can last from one hour to one and one-half hours.

What should I expect on my first visit?

We will begin to get to know one another. I will ask questions about what brought you to therapy, and you can ask me whatever you like. At the end of the session, we will talk about whether it feels appropriate for us to continue to work together. I will let you know if my expertise does not fit your needs and try to give you referrals to other professionals who might be more appropriate.

Do you keep what happens in your therapy sessions confidential?

Confidentiality is the bedrock of our time together. Your sessions and all information you disclose are strictly confidential. I will not share information or respond to inquiries of any kind from any source without your written consent, except for the instances stated below, which are required by law:

  • If in my clinical judgment, you pose a threat to harm yourself, and you refuse appropriate treatment, I am ethically bound to notify the appropriate parties (those who can intervene to protect you).
  • If you indicate a serious threat to harm another person, I am legally required to warn the intended victim(s) and the police and/or to obtain a civil commitment to the state mental health system.
  • I am required to report any suspicion of child or elder abuse or neglect to the appropriate authorities.

In some instances, the courts may subpoena my records or testimony. In most instances, I am forced to honor these subpoenas.

What are your credentials and professional background for doing therapy? How much experience do you have as a therapist?

  • Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Tufts University
  • Master’s Degree in Transpersonal Psychology from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology
  • Ph.D. in Psychology, Summit University
  • Master Hypnotist, Heartwood Institute
  • Certified as an Addictions Counselor by the West Coast Institute of Addictive Studies
  • Certified Life Coach and Doula

Over 30 years’ experience as a therapist includes teaching in schools and colleges as well as a family therapist role with non-profit organizations in California and Hawaii.

Do you have a specialty?

I specialize in teen and adult therapies, infant and child development, cancer recovery, issues with aging, trauma and PTSD counseling, addiction recovery, smoking cessation, and pre- and peri-natal counseling. As a cancer survivor, presently I am particularly interested in illness and trauma recovery.

Do you work with couples?

No, I do not work with couples.

Do you work with people from diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, religious traditions, etc.?

YES! I welcome clients of all faiths, ethnicities, socio-economic backgrounds, and sexual orientations.

Where else are you online?


How do I schedule an appointment?

You can give me a call at the number indicated, or feel free to fill out my contact page; I will give you a call…usually within 24 hrs.